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"You're still alive, aren't you?" retorted Hiccup.
"Also," said the nanodragon, "that is actually two favors, and I have offered you only one."
"Think how cross the Fat Consul will be ..." pleaded Hiccup.
The nanodragon thought about that. He shook out his black and red spotty wings, and Hiccup began to see the suggestion of a smile on his tiny face.
"Ok," said Ziggerastica, "I'll do it. But don't blame me if it fails...By the way, O-Boy-With-a-Small-Potato, your friends are even uglier than you are! Where did you find these people? Never in my life have I seen anybody who looks so much like a lemon sole..." He pointed rudely at Fishlegs with one wing.


And with that the little nanodragon gave a self- important wriggle of his behind and flew out the window.
"Did he agree to carry out your plan?" asked Camicazi.
Hiccup nodded, trying to look confident to keep everybody's hopes up.
"The thing is," he said, "I don't think in this kind of weather they'll be able to hold those Games tomorrow anyway. I've seen the arena from the window, and it's knee-deep in water -- the ground is far too wet and slippy for gladiatorial combat. With any luck the rain will make them cancel the whole thing."

