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Project Astral I-1122编剧(6)

2023-09-16 来源:百合文库
“You killed our leader, here’s the Great Beyond!”
11 looked at the Great Beyond and said:”Goodbye, my sister.”
However,11 opened a large portal other astral world, he began to live in “Brainstorm dimension and he goes back to the great server once a century.
In 1940 ,the communist party of the Astral world was founded by 11 and it began to grow in the Zone.
In 1984 ,a new worker that is patient went work for the Great Beyond(Beyond life)
In 2009 ,the Great Before began to receive Internet signal.11 and 22 began to make fun of the counselors online between dimensions .

Project Astral I-1122编剧

At that time, 22 made a song with 11 online:”Go to earth or die”,the song is imitating “Harmony or Die” by Green Dam:
Go to earth or die
Too much awful line counselors Have beaten piles and piles of souls Go to earth spread everywhere Mentors and Macintoshes flew Souls need protection 11 22
1122 adorable
Astral astral
Attribute of tsundere gets outbreak ...
Macintoshes were very angry when they saw the products they have made and they talked about the problem of 22.

Project Astral I-1122编剧
