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Project Astral I-1122编剧(5)

2023-09-16 来源:百合文库
“We have to connect it to some space.” 11 opened the dimension panel and names of the dimensions appeared,The Great Before, The Great Beyond ,The Zone, Earth, Brainstorm, Lakeview, Upload, etc. He pushed the button with”The Zone”, and a space with astral sand with black and blue sky appeared in front of them.
They walked into the space, and there were black huge horrible monster with eyes like torchlight. Far away there were colorful bubbles with man’s dream.
“Why don’t you connect to other spaces?” 22 asked.

Project Astral I-1122编剧

“I just pushed a button randomly.’ 11 replied.”And I don’t know how to change.” “Oh, no!”22 cried.
A monster suddenly appeared and began to attack them!
“Run!” 11 cried.
They were back to the clubhouse.
 The next month, a breaking news appeared on the board. ”22 and 11 killed Finder with a gamma-ray gun.”
11 and 22 can’t bear it and they hid in another space, an empty space with entirely nothing for a few months. Then they get out and saw Jerries looked at them angrily and opened a large portal.

Project Astral I-1122编剧
