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Project Astral I-1122编剧(2)

2023-09-16 来源:百合文库
A blue handle appeared in front of her. She pushed the blue handle and it turned back into the darkness...
A black portal appeared and 22 fell onto the soft grass.The place is called the Great server.It is later called the Great Before.
She created a box with a Portal and built her clubhouse in the dimension of the box.She then looked at the other clubhouses back the hills of the astral world and other souls were working for it.
Chapter 1
“Hello, I am soul 11. This is not me(Pointing at a photo of 22).This is my sister. And this is me(Pointing at himself).That year, a kind of creature invaded the astral world, they’re called ‘Macintosh’,they call themselves ‘counselors’ , most of them that came here are called ‘Jerry’.”

Project Astral I-1122编剧

Let’s go back to 114000BC.
A kind of tall creature suddenly appeared from a portal. It can blend into any shape, and it’s like a doodle of a man.
The leader of the Macintosh stepped on the land:”Hello, I’m Finder, and your civilization is close to apart...”
In one second, Finder became a monster with huge arms and her giant arms swiped the boxes away.Her arm was so big and it can nearly touch the sky. The fire was burning and nearly all the clubhouses were destroyed. Except for one-clubhouse Apocalypse also called just a box.