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《Wilt》 chapter one: perfect escape(3)

2023-09-14 来源:百合文库

chapter one: perfect escape

“No! no! I know you are kind! you won't kill me! “Watson shouted in horror, his eyes filled with fear, and Wilt pulled the baton from Sherlock's pants. 
“No! ”Watson struggled hard, and he pulled the handcuffs hard. However, Wilt picked up the baton and banged it on Watson's forehead.
Blood spouted down Watson's forehead, Wilt's face was covered with dots of blood, and more blood flowed down his forehead. Wilt took out his handkerchief and wiped the blood off his face in disgust. “Damn, ”Wilt made an exception and scolded an swear word.

chapter one: perfect escape
