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【CreepyPasta翻译】飞天小女警 毛毛 avi(2)

“毛毛,你做了什么?!你对你的姐妹们做了什么?!为什么?!为什么?!为什么?!!!” 他听起来真的像一个失去了一切的人,我为他感到心痛。 在他身后坐着 Blossom 和 Bubbles 的尸体,被严重地撕裂了。Blossom 失去了一只眼睛,逼真的血液从她空洞的眼眶中滴落。 她的四肢被折断并以不自然的角度扭曲。 她的心脏被切掉并放在她身边,鲜血染红了她心脏所在的粉红色连衣裙。 泡泡以类似的方式被杀死,只是双眼不见了,被推到了喉咙里,腿也被扯断了。 比我这辈子更不安的是,我开始感到胃不舒服,但我知道我必须继续观察。然后镜头切到毛毛,他的眼睛也很现实,就像乌托尼姆斯教授一样。 她那双过于逼真的绿色眼睛里有一种异常冷酷、苦涩的神情,脸上带着扭曲的微笑。 她从头到脚都沾满了鲜血。 她非常缓慢地抬起头,然后一阵疯狂的笑声从她嘴里溢出,响彻整个房间和我的脑海。
“你没有看到它的到来吗,教授?我相信我们所有崇拜的粉丝都看到了。” 她吐了口唾沫,听起来对“崇拜粉丝”这个词很反感。 “他们太烦人了,他们一直很幸福,他们喜欢总是在聚光灯下,总是善良、善良和完美。我讨厌它!多年来,它让我厌恶,但现在不再了,教授,不再!”尤托尼姆教授继续抽泣,可怕的声音越来越大,直到一道银光闪过的绿色条纹划过屏幕。 教授的无实体的头然后飞向相机,他的眼睛直接盯着我看视频的其余部分,然后切入黑色。

【CreepyPasta翻译】飞天小女警 毛毛 avi

以为结束了,我去关电视,但听到尖叫和唱歌的声音我停了下来。花花和泡泡的尖叫声很安静,毛毛的声音在大声唱着“嘘,小宝贝们,不要说 一句话,妈妈会杀了你让你燃烧,如果那些尸体不燃烧,妈妈会把你埋在火炉下。” 虽然这些话很俗气,但毛茛唱歌的声音以及她和教授的眼睛仍然萦绕在我的梦中。
原文 : One night quite a while ago, I was invited to dinner at a friend's house, who happened to be the nephew of Craig McCracken, the creator of Powerpuff Girls. The party was pleasant, and I was in for a surprise when Mr. McCracken himself was one of the guests. As a teenage girl, I was absolutely obsessed with the show. I would hog the TV for the premiere of every episode, and yell at my younger brothers if they so much as said a word before the commercial break. Being a somewhat moody, spunky teen, Buttercup was always my favorite of the three girls. I loved her sarcasm and her edginess. Upon meeting Mr. McCracken, I had told him what a big fan I was, and that I was ecstatic to meet him, but he seemed very uninterested and was speaking in a vague, rushed tone, no matter what we were speaking of. I supposed it was because of all of the show's fans could be quite annoying, so I backed off.