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2023-09-15 来源:百合文库
‘We do not have much time,’ he said to Donas Maxim and Illiyanne Natasé. ‘Mortarion’s forces will regroup. As soon as they realise what we are going to do, they will target our positions.’
‘The skein is set,’ said Natasé. ‘We have done all that we can to prepare the most favourable conditions for victory.’
‘This has all been your doing from the start,’ said Felix. ‘Allowing the spy to see our briefing, locating the artefact.’
——“现在开始,留给我们的时间不多了,”菲利克斯看着Donas Maxim and Illiyanne Natasé说道。“倘若我们的行动目的被知悉的话,莫塔里安的军队将重组。届时,我们的位置将会被定位。”


‘Your mind is not so dull as you imply,’ said the aeldari. ‘You knew these things. You have known what my role was in all this, tetrarch. Trap against Trap. In these subtleties we aeldari excel where a human would blunder to his doom.’
‘Then I know who to blame should my father fall.’
‘I have told Lord Guilliman what the futures hold, but the plan is his. I swear to you. You must trust to him to save himself now. I have done what I can. You do not trust me, but know that his death is not my intention.’