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2023-09-15 来源:百合文库
‘You will never turn me.’
‘Then that is your loss.’
Mortarion pressed the dirty tube into a greening brass syringe. Careful to keep it well clear of himself, he bent low and jabbed the needle into his brother’s neck with a deep sigh of satisfaction, just above the scar Fulgrim had given Guilliman.
Immediately, Guilliman gasped. He spluttered. Veins turned black and his eyes went red as a tide of filth washed through his veins.


That’s right, brother,’said Mortarion, laughing, stepping back and casting aside the syringe. ‘Take your medicine.’
Guilliman’s skin had turned black. In places it deliquesced, running from his skull, exposing bone that gleamed before going a rotten brown.
‘Don’t struggle,’Mortarion said. ‘This is only the beginning of your suffering. I’d save your strength if I were you, or how else will you savour it?’


