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King Multiverse维基百科(14)

Emperor MULTIVERSEArt Made by CoffeeEmperor Multiverse is the result of King Multiverse extracting pure data from the Mainframe, becoming truly godlike alongside the other gods in the Multiverse. This form has no new abilities, although it instead improves his past abilities. He can command those by simply staring at them, no longer needing the oath. His Asset Reset will always work, never having any drawbacks. His blasters also no longer require a large windup, firing in short bursts.

King Multiverse维基百科

In many ways, this form can allow for Emperor Multiverse to overcome Error!404, too. It expands his connection to the multiverse, allowing for him to read the minds of all those he had bonded his SOUL to.
King Multiverse is presumed to be Omnipotent at many times, although this clearly isn't true.King Multiverse despises Fridays. He has no real reason, he just hates them.King Multiverse never has cruel intentions, instead he simply just is selfish. He doesn't enjoy hurting others, yet he enjoys being praised and loves the respect he gets from hurting others, hence why he does it.

King Multiverse维基百科
