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King Multiverse维基百科(11)

Game OverKing Multiverse can simply hit a button, differing the results with each entity. For those that can SAVE and LOAD, the button sends them into the savescreen, forcing them to load back to their previous save point. For those that cannot, the button will entirely reset their stats to what they were prior to being in the timeline King Multiverse resided in. For those of extraordinarily weak skill, they will even be reduced of their memories.

King Multiverse维基百科

The Oath"Through tough and easy, through thick and thin, whether hot or breezy, light or grim. I will pledge my loyalty to the true King of the Multiverse."
Lesson in LoyaltyFor those that pledge loyalty to King Multiverse through reading his oath, they instantly connect to him through a SOUL Bond. This allows for him to control them, commanding them to do whatever he wishes, even to the degree of sacrifice. This included Ink and Error, who had sworn alligience to the King.

King Multiverse维基百科
