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King Multiverse维基百科(12)

DenialAll form of buttons do not work on King Multiverse due to his SOUL Bond to those with codeless bodies, alongside Error!404's magic.
Asset ResetKing Multiverse can use a special form of reset to send all forms of code back to their original state. This would turn Error to Geno and Geno to Sans. However, it comes with a catch. Anytime King Multiverse uses this button, it will crack his chestplate. The moment it shatters, his SOUL will reveal. This will essentially allow about anyone to deal severe damage, making this a complete last resort with a guarantee of success.

King Multiverse维基百科

Rulers MightWhenever King Multiverse may need it, he can call upon his creator through telepathic connection, allowing him to temporarily assist King Multiverse. Through doing so, this allows for King Multiverse to get an extreme surge of power, letting him cast the MAINFRAME CANNON, a blaster with a white exterior excluding the black jaw, firing a pure, blue beam that sends out a massive shockwave. This beam is so powerful that it can wipe any entity in a 50m radius, no matter their strength. The moment he uses this ability, the boost ends.