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2023-08-19英语反乌托邦 来源:百合文库
A man opened his eyes.
"Set name, Adam No.1."
Adam No.1 woke up in the dark, soon reached out towards the light source, and clicked its stop button.
The buzzing stopped, a few seconds later lights turned on above him and brought the room out of darkness.
It was a small bedroom with a plain white floor and walls. 6 circular lenses were inserted in the roof, gentle artificial light streamed into this small space that only contains a bed and a desk, no personal objects except for an alarm clock on the desk, with hands pointing at 7 o'clock straight.


Adam No.1 sat up and readily tapped on the adjacent wall, on which was inlaid with a grey rectangular outline.
With a soft hush, the area inside the inlay suddenly became transparent, and bright sunlight and engine's rumbling sounds broke into the room, as if bringing it to life.
Adam No.1 squinted out. The sky was crystal blue, with a golden sun shining upon the busy city. Wide roads interspersed between glazing edifices extend to every direction, with vehicles constantly flowing along, sending goods and information to every node. Pedestrians walked down streets, across roads or into buildings. Every time a person crosses the road, oncoming traffic would halt right in front of them, yet the second they enter adjacent lanes, the vehicle would immediately start and drive away.