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2023-07-17Arcaeaarcaea 来源:百合文库
It was a real, living, breathing, actual person. And Hikari couldn’t believe her eyes.
The boy continued to skip a few small stones across the water, hoping to get it far enough, before he noticed the girl walking near him; she was older than him for sure. The girl walked up to him and sat down next to him, taking a stone into her hands. She held it for a couple of seconds, before takin aim and launching it into the lake forcefully, it splashing into the water loudly. The boy looked at her and asked her a question:


“Are you trying to skip the stones or are you just throwing them into the lake?” He didn’t want to scold her if she wasn’t planning on doing anything special, so he thought asking first would be better. The girl turned her head to look at him. She looked a little bit confused at the time and she thought for a few seconds before answering,
“I’m trying to do what you were doing a little bit earlier,” she replied, her voice a little quiet and raspy.
“Well, you aren’t supposed to throw it like that,” he said. “If you want to make it skip across, you need to do it a little bit differently.” The girl didn’t respond after that; she just stared at the stone, turning it around in her hands, looking as if she were in a daze. The child looked at the girl. She had pure white hair which didn’t seem so only because of all the dirt that it was covered in. In fact, about every inch of her was covered in dirt and mud: her face, her arms and legs, her clothes. ‘Perhaps she’s been here outside for a long time,’ he thought. Her face was slightly pale and her gray eyes remained hazy as they looked at the stone. Looking at her face, he knew for sure: he had never even seen this girl. If she had been anywhere in his line of sight, surely she would stand out with that white hair of hers. ‘Maybe she doesn’t live around here.’