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2023-07-17Arcaeaarcaea 来源:百合文库


Chapter 3: 1-1 - A Different Kind of Happiness
After days and days of procrastination, schoolwork and rewriting the chapter because I was not satisfied with it, I brought you this disappointment. Maybe it's not perfect, but I didn't want to keep writing and rewriting this again and again. Enjoy Hikari spending some quality time with some boi.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
In the heart of the woods lays a girl, staring up, up into the sky. Except she’s not really looking at the sky; she’s not even looking at something in particular. Her gray eyes are empty, unfocused, her face is expressionless and her mind is nothing but blank. She didn’t care about what was going on around her anymore. Looking, hearing, feeling, they would only lead to suffering, for if she tried any of those things, a blinding, overpowering amount of information would come straight at her without her having the time to process any of it. So she just didn’t think anymore. Her world, though seemingly enveloped in white and color and sounds and pleasant feelings, was dark and empty. An unpleasant escape from a reality she never wanted to be a part of.