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2023-07-17Arcaeaarcaea 来源:百合文库
And so, the young girl turned around the stone in her hands, thinking about what Jeff had been doing before. ‘Skipping stones…’ she thought to herself. She knew that that was what he was doing just earlier, but she didn’t exactly know what it was he had done. Yet she thought that, perhaps, having someone talk to her and watching the stone enter the water, leaving nothing but ripples behind would be a quality source of entertainment.
“I want you to show me how to do what you were doing,” she decided. The boy, though thinking it was a fairly odd request, obliged. He showed her how to hold the rock and how to throw it. She should hold it between her thumb and her middle finger, her index wrapped around the edge, and she should throw it outward towards the lake. She watched as the stones usually went straight into the lake after their launch, occasionally bounced across the water, splashing it around, and always fell into the water, fell to their inevitable doom, leaving nothing but rings signifying their recent demise.


“You are getting better at this,” Jeff remarked, looking at the older girl. She stared into the lake emptily, looking at the place where the last one had sunk. “What are you thinking about?” he asked. The girl turned to him to answer, perhaps finally noticing that he was talking to her.