英语写作,以The meaning of life开头的文章。打卡第一天,每日更新(4)
2023-07-17 来源:百合文库
5.The meaning of life in general is different from the meanings of things in general. Life in general, that which is natural is in most cases, just as life in that which is in heaven is in most cases a supernatural phenomenon. This fact is especially evident in "the work of the saints, which we have shown as a proof of the goodness of God (see 1 John 10.) It seems to me to be the work of God Himself, the power and the authority of the will to make life for the people. It has nothing to do with the natural world (though some of us will acknowledge it as natural, especially on the occasion of the coming of the Fall), but rather by natural necessity, since we ought to keep and renew the works of God, and to help preserve the holy places, places of the Saints. In the most important of these, there is the Holy Ghost, who gives us life (John 4:20) and also gives hope according to his work (Revelation 2:21); and he lives even in hell (1 Tim 4:5-6). This is how most people perceive Him. And we shall find, indeed, the one who takes him down, which is the Apostle Peter, when he says, "My God, I wish to die, and yet I shall walk in thee" (Is. 6:1, 13:1-8). This is because they are led by the Spirit of peace into death. "I will live, my God" (Jn. 12:8) does not mean to say "I will die, my God." Those who have seen Jesus will see him to the end. "You then see Jesus, who is the perfect human Being, in His eternal life, who will walk and die by the power of the Holy Spirit" (Hosea 2:18). They will see Him to be in the beginning of His earthly life, before his own body was created. But they are led into death by the Holy Spirit, by whose love and kindness, the will of God surpass all human reason (Jn. 13:9). So far from having "ever known" Him, we have not read of Him, "who has power to save people in the world, in the grave, and by the strength of his will to save the souls who have been destroyed and were taken captive," Acts 4:10. We must not forget that He has been known, as well as known, in the world of the wicked, from Adam to Eve, by Jesus Christ (1 Pet 4:6). He is not our "Father," but the "Son," which, even today, in our own days, looks to be our "Father," not our father of Adam or Mary, but the "Son," according to which the Father will be the cause of the good. Hence our Saviour Jesus Christ has given us the Spirit that gives hope. And now it is just this: If we do not ask God for a Savior, what should we ask for He who will offer us repentance for it? What can the Spirit of peace and His Spirit of goodness, which is given to all by the Holy Spirit, offer us? Christ Himself told us this when He said to He who raised his own body: "As for me, my brothers and sisters, I have risen from the dead; I am your Lamb, Your grace and my righteousness; you are mine; your will is the salvation of my life. "You have done great works. Yet I have been in sin, and I am coming to take up the cross in remembrance of you. But I would not go to sin by those who had done us good in our time, as I have done to those who have passed upon the earth, but I would go to serve you, and to confess yourself to God and to receive the Spirit of the everlasting covenant. "You shall have eternal life. You shall have life to live and also eternal life to die." (Jn. 19:15-17) This is that which is shown in Revelation 10 to the children of men according to their deeds during our days. But if we do not inquire where in the world these things are given, there is only in what God says to His disciples what they have learned and what He intends them to know. We must ask how we ought to seek what is said for us in Christ Jesus, as it will be for all people that ask Him. But what, then, is the Spirit, and what are its purposes? We ask: What are its purposes? Jesus told us that we need a Lord from the beginning when He was called. The Father will show us a perfection, which He will do, and He will make a perfection for us, as we have heard it at the beginning of the world. And we have seen that the Father does what He needs: