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2023-07-16Arcaeaarcaea 来源:百合文库
She smiled at the sight. The sight of this receiving what it had always deserved. The sight of this world, this structure crumbling away into nothing. Her sense of happiness was warped, she figured, as she tore away at the walls of the building. But it didn’t matter. It wasn’t her fault. It was the fault of this world that had taught her nothing but suffering. It was the fault of this world that had wished to give her nothing but despair. Ripping apart the very foundation this world was built on, it would eventually fall apart. And so she gladly destroyed the building until she finally reached the heart of the maze.


And, oh, what a sight she saw.
The memory that was there was the center of evil, the center of this labyrinth. It was worse than anything she had seen before, that would be certain. It was reaching out for her. She needed to see what it was. She needed to break it as she did with everything else. But she slowed down instead. She held the cold shard of glass in her hand and she watched as a world ended through the small window she was given.
The structure toppled and fell apart. She was showered with glass, with those memories she had seen before. This was the end. This structure was gone. For now, it would be over. For now, she could probably go back to those blissful moments she had been so happy to see. So she thought and thought and thought.