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2023-07-16Arcaeaarcaea 来源:百合文库


And then she was set on it. She added the end of the world to her collection of memories, now having it follow her like all of the other loyal Arcaea behind her. She knew what she had to do. She knew that she needed to continue, to perservere. And so, determined to change this world, to purify it, to rid it of all the trash that lived inside of it, she smiled and came down from the tower, the glass and the tower following her soon after.
But perhaps it was too much for her. The moment her knees touched the ground, the moment she fell into that sea of happiness she had experienced before, those horrible memories formed a mist, surrounding her completely. The light wasn’t strong enough to permeate what she was seeing. Those terrors packed nicely into little glass shards surrounded her like a cage and she witnessed those horrible sights once again.

