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【MLP】马文摘享:无畏与大盗 扉页:两个作者简介&人名、地名、奇妙生物介绍(7)

2023-06-27翻译mlp 来源:百合文库
·Mount Vehoovius (vuh - HOO -vee- us): An active volcano surrounded by the villages of Marapore (MAIR-uh-pour), Lusitano (loo-sih-TAHN-oh), and Ponypeii (POH-nee-pay).
·Rings of Scorchero (Skor-CHAIR-oh): A set of four golden rings that are cursed with a dark enchantment. Prophecy foretells that once the rings are joined together, the valley will be doomed to eight centuries of unrelenting heat. The rings are vulnerable to the Radiant Shield of Razdon.

【MLP】马文摘享:无畏与大盗 扉页:两个作者简介&人名、地名、奇妙生物介绍

·Sapphire Statue: A two-headed blue stone statue that Daring Do once retrieved from a hidden temple.
·Somnambular (som- NAM-bew-ler) Bloom: Large tropical flowers with fuchsia petals and orange stems. These dangerous blooms are known to lull ponies to sleep with their strong perfume, though some varieties affect the pony by making him or her sleepwalk. Commonly found in the southern regions and several tropical isles off the western coast of Equestria.