【MLP】马文摘享:无畏与大盗 扉页:两个作者简介&人名、地名、奇妙生物介绍(6)
·Forgotten Palace of Tlatelolco (ta-la-TAY-lohl-co): Ruins near the Tenochtitlan (teen-OACH-teet—lahn) Basin, where Daring Do diScovered a room stacked high with ancient gold coins.
·Get On Inn: A barn-and-breakfast run by Mrs. Trotsworth and frequented by travelers heading toward the Southern Region of Equestria.
·Golden Rule: The schoolteacher in the village of Marapore.
·Ketztwctl (kehtz-toh-wek-tuhl) Empress: An evil ruler who once controlled the Tenochtitlan Basin with the Amulet of Atonement. Daring Do used the Radiant Shield of Razdon (RAZ-dawn) to dispel her dark enchantments and block Ahuizotl’s attempt at gaining control over the area.
·Get On Inn: A barn-and-breakfast run by Mrs. Trotsworth and frequented by travelers heading toward the Southern Region of Equestria.
·Golden Rule: The schoolteacher in the village of Marapore.
·Ketztwctl (kehtz-toh-wek-tuhl) Empress: An evil ruler who once controlled the Tenochtitlan Basin with the Amulet of Atonement. Daring Do used the Radiant Shield of Razdon (RAZ-dawn) to dispel her dark enchantments and block Ahuizotl’s attempt at gaining control over the area.