【MLP】马文摘享:无畏与大盗 扉页:两个作者简介&人名、地名、奇妙生物介绍
作者及原作者简介A. K. Yearling’s adventure novels starring the fearless Daring Do have been recognized as the bestselling series in Equestrian history. Yearling holds a degree in literature from Pranceton* University. After college, she briefly worked as a researcher at the National Archives for Equestrian Artifacts and Ponthropology* in Canterlot. During that time, she wrote an essay based on her findings of the griffon territories, entitled :“What Was the Name of That Griffon Again? Or, Beak and Roaming Studies Recalled*." It was published by the University of Equexeter’s journal pegasus.Last year,She enjoys quiet time alone at home and long trots on the beach.