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突发新闻 (Breaking News)(5)

2023-06-28突发新闻BreakingNews 来源:百合文库

突发新闻 (Breaking News)

Breaking News is a beast of destruction. it is known to walk straight through any building like it isn't even there. Houses broken by Breaking News are often not repairable and it leaves entire cities abandoned. Breaking News is a very dangerous creature, as it kills all things within 15 miles of it.. It feeds by shoveling food into the giant hole in its face. Breaking News is nicknamed after it's ability to distort every piece of technology within 10000 meters. When in interference range, any piece of technology will blare the emergency alert system sound, even if unplugged. If it has a screen, it will show the emergency alert system as well. This shows that Breaking News is utilizing electricity in some way. It is unknown how though. It will also make smaller clones of itself for protection if in danger.

突发新闻 (Breaking News)
