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突发新闻 (Breaking News)(4)

2023-06-28突发新闻BreakingNews 来源:百合文库

突发新闻 (Breaking News)

Although no one that has made physical contact that is still alive, Breaking News' "skin" appears to be made of VantaBlack, a material that absorbs 99.966% of all light that hits it. It is unknown how this is possible, as Vanta-Black is a man-made substance, but it is the only explanation, as all attempts to put light onto Breaking News to see what it looks like results in pure darkness. The creature itself has a rather flimsy and crooked neck, as in all photos taken of it, as its head is either hanging down or to the side. It is unknown if it has eyes, a nose, or even a mouth or ears, as if they exist, they are Vanta-Black as well. But it does have one giant hole in its face, used as a sort of feeding hole. Its torso is normal for that of a human, but its arms are unnaturally long and gangly. Both parts of its arm are about the height of a 5-story building. It is unknown why the legs aren't just as long, but they are still impressively big compared to that of a human's. It appears to always be slightly bent down. Breaking News has been known to let out an ear-deafening screech similar to that of an emergency alert system, hence the nickname, "Breaking News".