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SILENCE!’ The peoples of the Archipelago stood silent in the Castle.
The Druid Guardian held up the Crown, offering it up to the gods above as if it were a sacrifice. Alvin stood on the Druid Guardian’s left and Hiccup on his right. ‘COME GREAT POWERS OF DESTINY AND DARKNESS!’ called the Druid Guardian up to the stormy heavens. ‘COMETH THE MAN, COMETH THE HOUR. BUT HERE I HAVE TWO HEROES, AND I CANNOT CROWN TWO KINGS. TELL ME, SWEET GHOST OF GRIMBEARD THE GHASTLY: WHO IS THE TRUE KING OF THE WILDERWEST? WHAT IS THE WILL OF THE GODS? GIVE ME SOME SIGN OF YOUR INTENTIONS!’ There was a long, long pause, while the stormclouds above raged and crackled. The humans in the ruined Castle held their breaths, and out in the circle of Wrecker’s Bay, it seemed as if the dragons did too, a great quiet descending on the world as all leaned in to listen to the Druid Guardian’s verdict. The Druid Guardian swayed as he stood there in that silence, swayed and trembled as if he were receiving some message from the gods and the ghost of Grimbeard the Ghastly through the crackle and flash of the storm. The Dragon Guardians were speaking to him. All the