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will follow him to the ends of the earth. HICCUP FOR KING!’ ‘HICCUP FOR KING! HICCUP FOR KING! HICCUP FOR KING!’ ‘NO!’ shrieked the Witch, beside herself with fury as she howled and bit and raged at the stampeding, applauding, clamouring crowd. ‘This isn’t REALISTIC! YOU do not decide, you rabble! Where do you think you are, the REPUBLIC OF ROME? This is a dictatorship! This is Destiny! The scary old man with the blindfold gets to decide who the King is, not YOU! Not ANY OF YOU!’ ‘HICCUP FOR KING! HICCUP FOR KING! HICCUP FOR KING!’ ‘Silence! For if you offend the scary old man with the blindfold, he shall call up his dreadful Dragon Guardians of Tomorrow and they shall take you all into oblivion and grind your bones to dust!’ swore the infuriated Witch. ‘HICCUP FOR KING! HICCUP FOR KING! HICCUP FOR KING!’ ‘Well, Druid Guardian,’ cried Valhallarama of the White Arms. ‘What is the will of the people? I told the people of the Archipelago when they gathered, once before, in Prison Darkheart, that they do have a choice


of Kings, and I ask them the question once again. Should it be Alvin the Treacherous, who offers slavery and the destruction of dragons forever? Or should it be my son, Hiccup, who offers the hope of a new and better world?’ ‘This isn’t ABOUT the will of the people now!’ screeched the Witch. ‘You can’t sway this court of opinion, Valhallarama, by putting on some silly little Slavemark and claiming it is the Dragonmark!’ ‘Does Hiccup have the Dragonmark?’ asked the Druid Guardian eagerly. ‘Did you know that Grimbeard took the Dragonmark at the end of his life as a sign of his repentance?’ ‘Oh stop it with these silly little signs!’ snapped the Witch, absolutely purple with irritation. ‘You should know better than to look for black cats and superstitions! This is Fate! This is the future of the humans! It’s about the will of the GODS!’ ‘HICCUP FOR KING! HICCUP FOR KING! HICCUP FOR KING!’ The Druid Guardian held up his arms. ‘The Witch is right,’ he said. ‘This IS about the will of the gods…