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accustomed to War knew what that sound meant. Oh dear, thought Hiccup as he scrambled like a mouse through the bracken. As the echoes of this terrible noise died away, a dreadful silence came over the massed Tribes of Vikings standing in the ruined Throne Room of what had once been the Castle of Grimbeard the Ghastly, as if for the very first time, they realised that the end was near. This was their last hope, this Crowning of the King, the last throw of the dice for a people trapped and surrounded on the Island of Tomorrow, and the Dragon Jewel seemed a small protection against the coming apocalypse. Of one accord, the Tribes began to sing the Last Song of Grimbeard the Ghastly, the Song he sang just before he went into the west on his ship The Endless Journey, never to be seen again. ‘I sailed so far to be a King, but the time was never right…

