that it could easily fit into a human fist, seemed a tiny protection against the coming apocalypse. He took Toothless out of the cage in which he was cowering, and stroked him gently. ‘Dragons should not be in cages,’ murmured the Druid Guardian softly. ‘Be proud, little dragon, and hold your head high, for you are the first Lost Thing…’ Poor little Toothless cheered up a little at this human kindness. He licked the Druid Guardian’s hand gratefully. ‘And T-t-toothless is the B-b-best One,’ whispered Toothless, straightening his back with some of his old cheeky arrogance, and hopping on to the Druid Guardian’s shoulder. The Druid Guardian unrolled a great tattered scroll of paper, so ancient it was nearly falling into papery dust in his hands, and proceeded to read from it, although Toothless could not work out how he could do that, for the Druid Guardian was blindfolded. Toothless tried to peer under the Guardian’s blindfold, but no, he wasn’t cheating. ‘Hear ye! Hear ye! Listen to the Prophecy of Grimbeard the Ghastly, read by me, the Druid Guardian, on this, the Doomsday of Yule!