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Chapter 12 The Remains of Barren Hills (II)(6)

2023-06-14 来源:百合文库
 “What is this?” I asked.
 “This is a deep muscle hemorrhage, indicating that there was a pad on the back and pressure on the front, which was formed by extrusion before her death.”
 “This can explain what?” Forensic Larry said.
 “Look carefully, this bleeding mark is very straight, no bending, no color difference, indicating that the liner does not protrude.” Master said, “Such a mark shows that the deceased leaned back on a place with regular edge and the front force was pressed and formed.”

Chapter 12 The Remains of Barren Hills (II)

 “Rape?” Forensic Larry said.
 “Why must it be rape?” Master frowned and said, “The deceased was well dressed, and had not evidence of rape. Is is not pressure to pinch, strangle and control in the front?”
 “But there is no sign of asphyxia in the deceased?” Forensic Larry said.
 “No signs of asphyxia indicate that the deceased was not strangled, but it doesn’t mean that she was not strangled.” Master corrected the logic mistake made by forensic Larry.

Chapter 12 The Remains of Barren Hills (II)
