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‘Sleep tight!’ yawned the Hogfly. ‘Anchors aweigh! Happy holidays! Good night, sweet ladies, good night…’ 
The instant Hiccup put the lid on the backpack, deep, snuffling, catarrh-filled snores rumbled from within. 
Quiet as shadows, Hiccup and Windwalker and Wodensfang flew towards the moving light. They landed on a boat nearby, and leapt like cats from deck to deck, keeping well in the shadows. 
Suddenly there was a sound of running footsteps. Hiccup and the two dragons dived behind a boathouse to hide. The metal boots of Very Vicious ran past them, hastening back towards the pitched battle taking place around and above the Great Hall, which was now burning as merrily as a gigantic bonfire… 


Heart thumping, Hiccup waited until Very Vicious had disappeared. 
A ladder rested against one side of the final boat. Quiet as a ghost, Hiccup climbed that ladder, and peered over the edge. 
There were two Alvinsmen guards on deck, talking in whispers to each other. They were so engrossed in their conversation that they did not see Hiccup and the two dragons slip over the side and hide behind the tent-house in the middle of the deck. 