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‘The Deadly Shadow can give all three of us a lift up to the hatch. Windwalker, could you open it for us please?’ 
A single breath from Windwalker incinerated the bolts around the hatch, and it fell open. 
Hiccup, sitting on the back of the Deadly Shadow who was hovering just underneath the hatch, peered up inside. It was completely dark, and completely quiet. 
‘I’ll go in first,’ whispered Snotlout, ‘because I know my way around…’ 


Snotlout’s eyes were curiously bright. 
Was it excitement? 
Or was it something more than that? 
Snotlout laughed at Hiccup’s expression, which was a little dubious. ‘You do trust me, don’t you, Hiccup?’ 
‘T-t-toothless doesn’t trust him…’ said Toothless’s deep little voice from down in Hiccup’s waistcoat. ‘Is like trusting a s-s-snake not to bite you…’ 
‘I want to trust you,’ said Hiccup steadily. ‘I really really want to trust you, Snotlout…’ 

