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It was bizarre to be flying underneath the streets of a city. Looking up, in between the wooden boards, Hiccup could see the shoes of people walking up and down the walkways above. A hatch opened ahead of them, and the Windwalker swerved just in time, for someone chucked a bucket of fish guts through the hatch before slamming it shut again. 


Below them in the water were the rotting carcasses of sunken ships. Snotlout landed the Hurricane on the upturned hull of one of these submerged wrecks and gestured upwards with his thumb. 
‘This is the hatch,’ he whispered. ‘Before the witch caught us, the Hurricane and I went on loads of spying operations searching for the Things. Look, I’ve marked the hatch with an X, to be sure I’d get the right one when I came back.’ 
Hiccup and Fishlegs landed their dragons beside him, and the three dragons sat in a row on the hull of the sunken ship, like three great cormorants roosting on a rock. 

