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Snotlout dropped his own gaze. Did he look guilty, just for a fraction of a second? 
Then he drew his dagger, and put it between his teeth. 
Snotlout stood up on the Deadly Shadow’s back and hauled himself on to the ledge of the hatch, where he swung for a moment before climbing into the darkness above and disappearing. 
‘Is m-m-madness,’ said the muffled voice of Toothless. 
It was madness. 
Snotlout hadn’t really given Hiccup cause to trust him in the past. 


But barely had Snotlout’s feet disappeared through the hatch and into the room, than Hiccup scrambled up after him. 
Hiccup swallowed hard, and got to his feet, and tried to make out where Snotlout was.
‘Snotlout?’ he whispered nervously. 
There was no answer. 
The darkness was so absolute it muffled the senses. Hiccup’s eyes peered desperately into the blackness, but he could see nothing. 
‘Snotlout?’ he whispered again, a little louder, but again there was no reply; just a faint rustling. 

