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‘I suppose,’ said Snotlout, ‘you don’t. You’ll just have to take my word for it. It’s up to you. I don’t really care what you believe any more. If you want to think the worst of me, go ahead! I’m going to sleep now, if you don’t mind. It’s been a long couple of days.’ 
Snotlout’s clothes had dried entirely now, in the steamy warmth of that dragon-and-fire-warmed hideout. He yawned, wrapped himself up in one of Fishlegs’s mother’s old blankets, closed his eyes and pretended to go to sleep.


But inside the blanket, his eyes were wide open. 
‘C-c-can Toothless bite him?’ asked Toothless hopefully. ‘Or would that be rude? Does it matter being rude to a rude person? Or does it n-n-not count?’ 
‘Yes that would be rude, Toothless, so you can’t bite him, although I’m feeling a bit tempted myself, I have to confess,’ admitted Hiccup. 
‘Suffering scallops,’ said Fishlegs in disgust. ‘What do we do now? Do we trust Snotlout or not? I still don’t see why, if he’s on our side, he doesn’t have the Dragonmark.’ 

