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Stormfly gave a quick soft hiss of reluctant approval. ‘Ah,’ she said. ‘Cunning and Trickery. Good thinking.’ And then, remembering it was Snotlout speaking, she frowned again. ‘If it’s true, of course.’ 
‘So I pretended to be on the witch and Alvin’s side,’ said Snotlout. 
‘I let them take me to their hideout. I found out where they were keeping the Things, and ran away to find you guys. I used this ridiculous Hogfly dragon here to help me track you down. Hogflys may be unbelievably stupid, but they are the best scent-dragons in the world. I camped on a frozen lake upriver, the lake must have unfrozen in the night, the Wolf-fangs chased me…


And that’s when you found me.’ 
‘If you know where the Lost Things are,’ asked Fishlegs suspiciously, ‘why didn’t you steal them yourself, when you escaped from Alvin’s war bunker?’ 
‘I couldn’t do it on my own,’ explained Snotlout. ‘The Things are guarded, and the Throne is heavy. You lot are useless, of course, but I have to admit, your camouflaged-so-it-is-invisible and humungously enormous three-headed Deadly Shadow Dragon will come in useful in a burglary situation. 