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‘The Dragonmark is a symbol of SLAVERY!’ said the muffled voice of Snotlout. ‘I’m on your side, but I don’t want to be marked with a symbol of slavery!’ 
They all lay down to try and sleep, but this was difficult when they were all so angry, confused and frightened. 
‘Did I make a mistake in rescuing Snotlout?’ Hiccup asked the Wodensfang. ‘Is that why Camicazi was captured?’ 
The Wodensfang answered that question with another question. 


‘Can it ever be a mistake,’ replied the Wodensfang, ‘for a human to answer the cry for help of another human?’ 
‘Even if Snotlout is lying,’ said Hiccup in Norse, ‘he’s the only one who knows where the witch’s camp is. So we have to trust him anyway, because he’s the only one who can lead us to Camicazi. Oh I do hope she is all right…’ 
‘Yes, I know,’ said Fishlegs miserably. ‘I’m really worried about her too. I keep trying to tell myself that she’s going to be all right… Look how many times she has escaped from prisons. She is an Escape Artist, after all…’ 

