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No wonder Hiccup was nervous, for this was the scorched, fire-ravaged territory of the Dragon Furious and the Dragon Rebellion, and the Dragon Furious was hunting more than anything for Hiccup, and Hiccup alone. The Dragon Furious had made a solemn pledge to turn this world to ashes looking for him. He had sworn that no rock, no island, no cave nor cliff would be a safe hiding-place for the boy. The results of the Dragon Furious’s crazed lunatic hunt lay in the melted, mutilated landscape around them, the ragged corpses of the trees, the burnt remains of the smashed-up cliffs.


‘Oh for Thor’s sake,’ whispered Hiccup’s best friend Fishlegs, who was sitting behind him on the Deadly Shadow. 
Fishlegs was, if anything, even skinnier and more ragged than Hiccup. His smashed glasses were perched perilously on the end of his nose. ‘We could be torn to pieces by the Dragon Rebellion! Your mother said ON NO ACCOUNT TO LEAVE THE HIDEOUT,’ protested Fishlegs. ‘We just need to stay in hiding for two more days, until Doomsday Eve, when we meet the rest of the Dragonmarkers at the Singing Sands of the Ferryman’s Gift. That’s ALL we need to do. Your mother said she would take care of everything else…