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Deadly Shadow dragons are chameleons, and so this beautiful three-headed dragon was exactly the colour of the midnight sky, complete with stars slowly shifting across its shining sides. 
Hiccup’s knees were trembling with the effort to keep a grip on the saddle. 
Hiccup was a very ordinary looking boy, for one so sought after by so many people. A ragged little string-bean of a teenager, his fire-suit torn to ribbons, his face bruised and scratched, with the wild hair and scared eyes of one who had been hunted by too many for too long. War and exile hadturned him into a scarecrow of a boy. 


His sword was drawn, his ears ringing from the piercing coldness of the biting wind – and he was peering over the Deadly Shadow’s wing as it flew, his heart beating horribly quick at the blackened wasteland down below. He was trying to work out where that piteously shrieking voice was coming from. 
‘Help! Help! Help!’ screamed the voice, and now they could see the little flaring light of a campfire, burning deep in the woods, flickering on and off like a firefly, or the flickering of your curiosity.

