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Absolute chaos then ensued in that Prison Darkheart, as in one life-changing second, everybody tried to decide which side they were on and, furthermore, work out which side everybody else was on, which wasn’t so very easy on the spur of the moment like that. All the slaves were on Hiccup’s side of course, and some of the guards began to set them free from their chains immediately. Most Tribes like the Bog- Burglars, Peaceables and Hooligans were already thoroughly fed up with the whole Treacherous regime. But the witch and Alvin still had plenty of supporters among the Murderous and Uglithug Tribes, the Danger-Brutes and the Berserks. I’m afraid there were plenty of vicious and heartless humans in that lot. And because there wasn’t time for everybody who wanted it to get themselves clearly marked with the Dragonmark so that everyone knew where they were, the ensuing battle very quickly became extremely confusing. The night air rang with the bright sound of sword on sword, and cries of ‘What are you doing? I’m on your side!’ and ‘Oh, I’m so sorry, I just assumed because you were a Murderous that you’d be for the witch,’ and ‘Oh, you did, did you? Well, let me tell