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(For when you come to think about it, a tattoo in the shape of a dragon on your forehead, is kind of cool.) Somehow with all these things, Hiccup had become… … a Hero. And not just any old Hero either. The sort of person people will follow into battle and risk their lives for. A King. It wasn’t just the young either. Even Mogadon the Meathead found himself looking anew at Hiccup, and changing his mind.
How is it that things can change so quickly, as it seems, in an instant? The fact is that things had been changing anyway, without the Vikings really realising. The existence of Prison Darkheart had been an unspoken source of shame that the non-slave-trading Tribes had tried very hard to forget about. Most of the Vikings were fond of the dragons they had grown up with, and even with the war going on, the thought of a world without dragons was depressing and frightening. Plus the witch and Alvin had already enslaved many friends and relations, and a large number of people in that courtyard had a vague anxiety that they could be next. So people had been changing their minds without really realising, and when things build to a tipping point, a revolution can happen in just five minutes. ‘M-U-U-U-U-U-UTINYYYYYYYYY!!!!’ screamed Alvin the Treacherous. ‘LOYAL CITIZENS OF THE WILDERWEST, ARREST THESE TRAITORS, BURY THEM IN THE DEEPEST DARKEST DUNGEON YOU CAN FIND, AND THROW AWAY THE KEY!’