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For answer, Hiccup lifted up his shirt, and there, wrapped around his chest, was the very tip of the tentacle ... and in the gelatinous transparent flesh of it was a giant needle puncture mark, with the green poison clearly visible coursing underneath the skin.
What Hiccup had done was to pull his shirt OYER the end of the tentacle while Toothless was distracting the Creature. The Strangulator had so lost sensory contact with the ends of its tentacles that it did not realize that it was in fact injecting ITSELF under the white material of Hiccup's shirt.


"That particular plan," said Fishlegs at last, "required a Fiendish Amount of LUCK."
"It WAS lucky," admitted Hiccup happily, "but we're ALIVE, aren't we?"
Fishlegs grinned back at him and Toothless did three back somersaults in the air and a congratulatory cock-a-doodle-doo.
"And that swordfighting. Where did THAT come from? You've always been grim at swordfighting."

