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"N-n-no," said Toothless firmly. "T-t-toothless knows. Toothless grow up here. Other C-c-creatures in there much bigger and b-b-badder than that one....."
"Okay then," said Hiccup. "We go back the way we came. Let's hope that door still opens."
The door did still open.
As they were opening it, Hiccup noticed a piece of paper nailed on their side of it.


It was a letter.
[Image: Men.]
It was written in the same scrawly handwriting as Grimbeard's riddle, and it was addressed to the "TRUE HEIR OF GRIMBEARD THE GHASTLY."
Hiccup took the letter off the nail and read it.
"Maybe Grimbeard the Ghastly wasn't so bad after all...," said Hiccup slowly.
"There you are," said Fishlegs, who was reading over Hiccup's shoulder. "He said it was YOUR treasure, to do as you liked with."

