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The Strangulator jerked a few more times in agony. Its tail with the dangerous tip lashed ferociously for a moment or two. And then all was silence in the Great Cavern. Huge clouds of dust gradually dispersed.
Fishlegs crawled out of his hiding place.
He scrambled over slimy rockfalls, slimy treasure and even slimier coils of Strangulator, looking for Hiccup.


Hiccup was dazed but alive. He'd had a tidal wave of a ride, thrown this way and that way until his teeth rattled. But the great coils of the tentacle wrapped around his body had cushioned him from any hurt.
He beamed at Fishlegs and Toothless.
"That was one STUPID Monster," he said.
"How did you DO it? How did you DO it?" asked Fishlegs again and again in amazement as he and Toothless unwound the tentacle from Hiccup's body.

