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He finally managed to drag Toothless out of bed and set off towards Hooligan Harbor, where everybody was meeting.
Toothless sat on his shoulder, angrily rubbing sleep out of his eyes with one wing.
"Toothless don't W-W-WABT to go on Quest,' he complained. "Is s-s-stupid. Is s-s-silly. Is d-d-dangerous."
Hiccup could not have agreed with him more, but all he said was, "You're going to be all right. YOU'VE got wings. Any Skullions attack you, and you just just fly away."


"Yes, but T-t-t-toothless don't like the sight of b-b-blood...," whined Toothless. "You get torn to pieces and Toothless feel s-s-sick...."
"We all have our problems," snapped Hiccup crossly.
Fishlegs was already at the Harbor, looking furious. His dragon, Horrorcow, sat at his feet, chewing quietly.
All the other boys were milling about, their dragons fighting each other or flapping over their heads. Everybody was thoroughly overexcited despite the very real prospect of being eaten alive.

