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Chapter 8 The Melting Person (II)(5)

2023-05-28 来源:百合文库
 “Is he suspicious?” Asked the captain.
 “Very suspicious!” Master remained absolute. “He lied.”
 “Is it because he knows there’s no sexual abouse?” Both the captain and I were surprised that Master was always cautious and should not be arbitrary. Looking back, the conversation just now has some flaws in the issue of sexual assault.
 “Is there a conference room upstatirs?” Master replied the irrelevant answer.

Chapter 8 The Melting Person (II)

 “Yes.” The director of the police station said.
 “let the task force come here for a meeting.” Master said, “Put up the projector.”
 “Half an hour later, the conference room of the police station was full. Master manipulated the projector and introduced what we saw at the autopsy.”
The detectives frowned as photographs of bodies were turned over. It was estimated that after the special meeting, the criminal police would be more sympathetic to the hard work of forensic policemen.

Chapter 8 The Melting Person (II)
