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快新特写 KaiShin OneShot 前方英语高能(3)

2023-05-29英语快新 来源:百合文库
He sighs.
But then he realised something.
The young boy rushes away, bidding a hurried goodbye to the inspector.
What is his reason to hurry?
There is a reason.
It's because someone is waiting for him.
The weather is improving gradually.
The light starts to appear.
The sprinkles are about to stop.
The young detective runs.
Not far, sitting at a table in a cafe, a young boy is casually there, supporting his chin on his arms.
His fingers, slight bit more flexible than that of an average person, quickly whips out multiple rubber bands.

快新特写 KaiShin OneShot 前方英语高能

As he intertwines his fingers with rapid movement, geometrical shapes start to form, and then gradually, a structure made by rubber bands forms.
He is bored.
The sprinkles subside.
The weather clears.
The storm had raided the sky clean to a bright, pure blue.
No clouds.
The puddles reflect the blue — the purity.
Splashing sounds, rapid, quick.
The short breaths. Huff and puff.
The detective runs.
He runs, down the streets, and then slows down to a stop.

快新特写 KaiShin OneShot 前方英语高能
