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Alvin held up his right arm.
There, where his hand should have been emerging from his sleeve, was an iron claw.
The Hooligans gasped in horror.
"Dearie me," tutted Stoick. "BOOBY-trapPED. I do apologize for my great-grandfather. He did have a nasty sense of humor."
"Yeeesss," said Alvin, smiling happily once more, "but luckily us Poor-but-Honest Farmers can take a joke.... And this," he gestured to the claw, "is very handy for opening up oysters.... Now, back to my Tale. I was careful the next time I opened the coffin to dismantle the booby trap first, but there was no sign of any Treasure inside, nor indeed the body of Grimbeard the Ghastly.... What there was ..."


The entire Tribe of Hairy Hooligans leaned forward eagerly, mouths open, eyes wide....
"... was this map*, and this riddle."
Alvin reached into his breast pocket and held up the map and the riddle for everybody to see.
"Oh," said Stoick, very disappointed. "No Grimbeard? No treasure? No Stormblade? Just two little pieces of paper?"

