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Finally, with some last heaving shudders and grim gurgles, both mighty beasts lay still in the water.
There was silence.
The boys stopped running. They stood gasping for breath, watching the motionless beasts with dread. The boys' dragons, which were flying some way ahead of the boys, also turned, and hung still in the air.
The Terrible Creatures didn't move.


The boys waited two long minutes, as waves lapped gently over the great, motionless bodies.
"They're dead," said Thuggory at last.
The boys started laughing, rather hysterically, now that the terror was over.
"Well done, Hiccup!" Thuggory slapped Hiccup on the back.
But Hiccup was looking worried. He was squinting his eyes and straining to hear something. "I can't hear anything," said Hiccup anxiously.

