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"Here he is," shouted Fireworm. "My Master, tie Purple Horror, who will tear you limb from limb and spit out your toenails!"
And Fireworm flew away lopsidedly as fast as she could, with one wing trailing behind her.
The Green Death was having a bad day.
Ordinarily, a Seadragonus Giganticus Maximus would not dream of attacking another animal of the same breed. They avoid fighting each other because they know they are so heavily armed that the battle risks ending in death for both of them.


However, the Green Death had been attacked and jeered at by minuscule creatures who had inflamed and outraged his vanity. This Creature, who seemed to think he was tougher than the Green Death himself, had struck him heavily in the chest.
The Green Death wasn't thinking too hard.
He leaped at the Purple Death with his talons outstretched, breathing great bursts of fire, which lit up the landscape all around like lightning.

