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The ground and the sea shook in great earthquakes as the two gigantic monsters lunged crazily at each other, swearing the most unrepeatable oaths in Dragonese.
The Green Death's foot completely destroyed Wrecker's Reef with one blow.
The Purple Death's wings caused great landslides to come tumbling down from the Headland's cliffs.


Now that their job was done, the Viking boys were running away as fast as they could, their eyes popping with terror, in case one of the dragons survived the fight. Every now and then they looked back to see how the battle was going.
With ghastly, eerie cries, the Dragons slashed and bit and tore pieces off one another.
The Sea Dragon is the most well-defended creature that has ever lived on this planet. Its skin is over three feet thick in places, and so encrusted with shells and barnacles that it almost has the effect of armour.

