She drops the class a week later. When she tells Aster that she registered instead for PHI 214
(Existentialism), her phone buzzes all day with Kierkegaard quotes. When she tells Paul the same thing, he asks her if that means she'll spend the whole class getting stoned and listening to Pink Floyd.
She notices that a girl sits next to her in every Intro to Global Development Studies class. Two weeks later, the girl introduces herself as Joleen and asks if she wants to study for the upcoming exam together. Ellie bites back her instinctual response that she studies best alone, and agrees.
They end up abandoning the idea of studying an hour in and ordering from a local Chinese
place. She learns that Joleen is from Korea and moved to Canada with her family when she was three years old. When she describes the Toronto suburbs she grew up in as “whiter than an
episode of Gilmore Girls,” Ellie finds herself laughing harder than she could ever remember
doing. There's a sudden levity taking over her, an almost perverse elation at sharing this feeling of cultural isolation with someone else. They spend the next two hours swapping stories, making up increasingly ludicrous predictions based on their fortune cookies, and laughing until they're